Hi, my name’s Jesus

Wandering Peacemaker
2 min readApr 15, 2023

I just finished the long awaited ‘Jesus Revolution’.

Man, was it mind-blowing and I find myself holding back tears most of the time throughout the whole show.

Greg reminds me a lot of myself. Like Greg, I love the creative side of things. I love to do what I love to do. Sometimes just as an escape from the storms of life, sometimes to find self-worth and to regain a sense of self-purpose, sometimes just to voice out the fears and darkness in our hearts. Although his art is cartoon, and mine is writing our art was a coping mechanism.

Like Greg, I am also a seeker, the seeker of truth. Like him, I got my alarm signals from God when I’m walking the wrong way. I spent many years of my Christian walk from one church to another, one cell group to another, debunking false doctrines and practices. To me, the pursuit of truth is what I breathe for. My soul rejoices when I hear truth that resonates within. When I hear the truth, it’s like I finally come home. As He says “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31–32)

The movie is a great reminder of God’s many classic stories of broken people, the outcasts and unwanted who turned into heroes whom God used to save the day.

Sometimes I wonder, why God, in His almighty power don’t just create a perfect, new beautiful vase?

Why does He have to painstakingly rejoin all the fragmented and broken pieces one by one? Why is there always a painful exposition and conflict stage before the climax and happy ending?

Perhaps just as how He perfectly executed the Resurrection story where Christ has to suffer before the victory, that’s how He demonstrates His love that conquers death. How through His grace, He can pick up the worst broken pieces, the seemingly worst ending to change the course of humanity.

As how the Resurrection still shook the earth till today, as how we still marvel at His works, I believe that’s how we will marvel at the wonder of the rejoined vase, made of of millions of fragmented pieces vs a new perfectly flawless vase.

Jesus Revolution showed us that His good news is for everyone, for the world, regardless of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, mental state and level of brokenness. No one is too unfixable where God can’t fix. And if a church closes their doors to these people, these are not churches but merely human-run corporate organizations. His church is for the sick, not the self-righteous, white-washed hypocrites

He calls the lonely, the broken, the depressed, the addicts, the outcasts

His name is Jesus



Wandering Peacemaker

A wanderer. Dreamer. Citizen of His Better World. Child of God.